Lolawolf discography kat
Lolawolf discography kat

lolawolf discography kat

Think Solange if she joined the Strokes and they finished that album of Quincy Jones-produced pop they were once rumoured to be making. She's backed, not by sessioneers but the band Reputante (who are signed to Julian Casablancas' label) and they look like Bowery bums straight outta New York back when Lou Reed was getting - or giving - street hassle. This is sugar pop with R&B flavours and a switchblade under the strawberry candy carapace. But still, that's Kravitz (Zoë, not Lenny) for you: she plays it sassy with her band Lolawolf, who come dressed in sweet (sheep's) clothing, so watch out. Bad language and rapacious desire must be hard to swallow, never mind whose daughter you are.

lolawolf discography kat

Turns out her old man is Lenny Kravitz, if that makes a difference. "I could stare out your window," she coos, then pauses for dramatic effect, "and fuck you tonight." Okaaay. What will she do when she gets there, we hear you ask.

lolawolf discography kat

The background: "Would you take me to the West Side - would that be alright?" Zoë Kravitz ever so politely enquires on Drive, the lead track on Lolawolf's debut EP, released in January 2014. The lineup: Zoe Kravitz, James Levy, Raviv Ullman, Jimmy Giannopoulos.

Lolawolf discography kat